This program is intended to bring together researchers, community members, practitioners, policymakers, and other important collaborators whose expertise, substantive knowledge and practice, theoretical insight, or methodological expertise can be engaged in ways that help to build upon and advance education research.
They invite proposals that aim to think deeply and critically about the methodological traditions of education research, develop new innovative research methods or new applications of existing methods through interdisciplinary engagement, and/or collaborate to increase the application of critical research methods to broaden the impact of educational research on practice or policy.
Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs applying for a Conference Grant must have an earned doctorate in an academic discipline or professional field, or appropriate experience in an education research-related profession.
The PI must be affiliated with a non-profit organization or public/governmental institution that is willing to serve as the administering organization if the grant is awarded.
For detailed information please visit: https://www.spencer.org/grant_types/conference-grants