Focusing on the development of dialogue and cooperation between different actors beyond the main cultural centres, the grant programme encourages decentralised interaction and networking across Turkey.
Applications for the Inter-City Networking Grants, which aims to implement projects between cities and to include cultural operators from different cities, will close on Monday, 12 September 2022, at 18.00.
Only associations, foundations, non-governmental organizations with cooperative status (legal entities) can apply to the programme.
Candidates who will apply for the Inter-City Networking Grants are required to have at least five years of activity history. The activities envisaged to be carried out within the scope of the applied project must cover more than one city and the participants must be from other cities for applications made from Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir.
For more information please visit: https://www.culture-civic.org/en/news/inter-city-networking-applications-for-the-second-open-call-period-starts-on-august-15