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Sabancı Foundation Seeks Turkey's Changemakers for the 14th Time

The Sabancı Foundation is looking for new stories for the Changemakers Program, through which it aims to share with the whole of Turkey the stories of individuals and institutions that contribute to social development as pioneers of change.

In its 14th year, the slogan is "Make a Difference, Change Lives!" With this slogan, Turkey's Changemakers are called upon. Applications can be submitted from the fields of environment, health, economic development, education, social justice and citizen participation.

You can apply for the program between November 1 and 30, 2022 at or you can nominate individuals or institutions whose work you like.

Evaluation criteria for applications

  • Make a tangible difference with their work,
  • Be creative and inspiring,
  • Be sustainable and disseminate their work,
  • Be transparent and reliable,
  • Continuous work.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at

Sabancı Vakfı
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