The meeting will present the findings of young people and young activists and their proposed solutions. It will discuss the current situation of antigypgs, hate speech and impunity in Turkey, as well as the role of young people in the development of anti-speech.
Click to register for the program.
Program of the meeting on strengthening youth participation against discrimination Opening of the Stakeholder Meeting I 13.30-14.30
- Commemoration of the gypsy activist Mustafa Aksu
- Promotion of the Romani Godi and Esma Redzepova Academy
- Romani Godi 2022 field visits observation exchange of reports
- Problems of Roma youth and Roma youth organization
The current situation of anti-Gypsyism in Turkey and the importance of youth organizations in combating anti-Gypsyism Presentation I 14.30-15.10
- What is anti-Gypgsyim, the way anti-Gypgsyim exists in Turkey
- Racial profiling with case studies: Spatial, environmental stigmatization
- Youth organizations in developing a counter discourse
Discrimination against Roma, hate speech and impunity 15.25-15.50
- Cases of discrimination and hate speech against Roma in the region where we live
- Some recent cases of discrimination and the cycle of impunity
Strengthening Roma youth organization to fight discrimination I 15.50-16.30
- Presentation of the problems of Roma youth and Roma youth organizations
- Proposals of the participating institutions and open forum
The full address of the meeting will be communicated to the registered participants and organizations by e-mail separately.