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Report on Disaster Budgets of Metropolitan Municipalities published

Public Expenditure Monitoring Platform (Kamu Harcamalarını İzleme Platformu - KAHİP) has published its comprehensive report on the disaster budgets of metropolitan municipalities before and after the February 6 earthquake. Comparing the 2022-2024 disaster budgets of 30 metropolitan municipalities, the report reveals the extent to which local governments are prepared for disasters with concrete data.

The report evaluates the budgets of metropolitan municipalities and water-sewerage administrations and shows that they allocated only 3.42% of their total budgets for disaster-related targets in 2022, 3.10% in 2023 and 3.22% in 2024, which is very low.

Not enough resources for risk reduction

When risk mitigation and intervention budgets are analyzed separately, it is noteworthy that local governments focus more on intervention expenditures and do not allocate sufficient resources for risk mitigation.
It was emphasized that almost half of the budget allocated by local governments for risk reduction could indicate a profit motive related to urban transformation. The report stated that local governments' budgets are insufficient to abandon the profit-oriented urban transformation approach and to create environmentally sensitive, energy-efficient, green buildings and resilient cities that take into account the geographical, cultural, and sociological characteristics of the region. It also highlighted the necessity of creating additional budgets through a cooperative approach between the Central Government and local governments.
The full report and detailed results are available on KAHİP's website.

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