The schedule of the information meetings is as follows:
- Trabzon - October 11, 2023
- Elazığ - October 13, 2023
- İstanbul - October 18, 2023
- Gaziantep - October 19, 202
- Antalya - October 20, 2023
- İzmir - October 23, 2023
You can register for the events at https://www.sivilkatilim.org.tr/etkinlikler/.
About Civic Participation Project
The "Strengthening Civic Participation for Democratic Local Governance in Turkey Project" (Civic Participation Project) is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with the Union of Municipalities of Turkey (TBB) as the main beneficiary and the Ministry of Interior Directorate General for Relations with Civil Society (STİGM) as the co-beneficiary and financed by the European Union. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate for EU Affairs, as the lead agency of the IPA-II Civil Society Sector, is carrying out the effective implementation and monitoring of the project. The project aims to increase the participation of civil society organizations in decision-making mechanisms, strengthen Civil Society-Public Sector cooperation based on trust and mutual understanding, and contribute to creating an enabling and sustainable environment for volunteering.