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BİRLİKTE Institutional Support Program Institutional Development Model and Self-Assessment Process: Guidelines for CSOs

BİRLİKTE Institutional Support Program Institutional Development Model and Self-Assessment Process: Guidelines for CSOs has been prepared with the aim of assisting CSOs that want to make progress in strengthening their organizational structures.
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We have recently updated the “Institutional Development Model” that we developed and implemented for the BİRLİKTE Support Program, which we designed based on our experience in the civil field and implemented its first period between 2017-2020, and started to implement it with the participants of the new period. We have prepared the model, which we updated with the experiences we gained from the previous period, for publication as a guide for civil society organizations.

This model and process proposed by BİRLİKTE is a somewhat challenging but highly effective roadmap that many civil society organizations in Turkey and even around the world can follow in their institutionalization.  You can access the guide, which has been prepared to inspire and guide CSOs who want to make progress in strengthening their organizational structures, by clicking on the link below. 


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March 2025