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Priorities of STGM

Civil Society Development Center (Sivil Toplum Geliştirme Merkezi Derneği - STGM) was founded in the year 2004 by a group of opinion leaders and activists who believed in the importance of civil society for the development of participatory democracy in our country.

Functional priorities of STGM

  • strengthening its own institutional structure
  • supporting existing networks towards building capacity for targeted CSOs
  • consolidating intra-organizational democracy; developing CSOs' engagement in communication and cooperation, both within the country and abroad, among themselves as well as with central/local public administrations or private sector
  • providing support to those initiatives possessing the capacity to be recognised as a successful example and/or the potential to make any successful initiative sustainable

STGM and identity priorities:

  • absolutely avoids any form of discrimination based on ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, political view, philosophical inclination or religious faith.

Technical priorities of STGM :

  • prioritizes projects which are sustainable and have a multiplier effect; well focused on desired objectives; capable of responding to research and development needs through capacity analysis and possessing local components.
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