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Panel on social resilience to information disruption in the age of multiple crises

The panel titled Social Resilience Against Information Disorders in the Age of Multiple Crises will be held in a hybrid format on Wednesday, 25 September 2024, between 10:00-12:00 at Istanbul Bilgi University santralistanbul campus. The panel discussion will discuss how to build social resilience in the face of information disruption.

Prof Dr Itır Erhart from the Faculty of Communication at Istanbul Bilgi University, Lale Dündar from the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey and Tacan İldem from the Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Research will discuss information disruption, the impact of disinformation on society and ways to combat this impact. Preventing information disruption and ensuring the flow of accurate information is not only the responsibility of individuals, but also of governments and civil society organisations. In this context, the speakers on the panel will emphasise the importance of this multi-layered cooperation and share their proposed solutions with the participants.

The event is open to anyone who wants to understand the impact of information disruption on society and discuss how to increase resilience to this impact.

Click to register.

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