1) Digital Tools Training
In this training, while emphasizing how to use digital channels, which are increasing day by day, and the functioning of the communication world, it is emphasized what should be considered in the use of digital channels.
2) Strategic Planning Training
Strategic planning is a method that allows non-governmental organizations to define their medium-term goals and objectives and to determine effective actions to achieve these goals and objectives. Starting from the concept of strategy, this course covers the steps of strategic planning and discusses ways to use this method to meet the needs of organizations of different capacities.
3) Advocacy Training
The education, which is designed by considering all the activities that civil society subjects, who continue their work for fundamental rights and freedoms, have done or can do to affect the policies; seeking answers to questions such as “What is advocacy?”, “Why advocacy?” , “How is advocacy done?”. In the policy influencing process, good examples in the field of advocacy are also shared, focusing on the relations of concepts such as campaign and lobby, which we encounter a lot with advocacy, with advocacy activities.
4) Partnership Establishment and Indicator Determination Training
Civil society subjects working in the field of civil society can establish cooperation with other actors with different needs. In this training,
- Basic concepts, needs, and approaches to partnership/networking efforts,
- Steps to establishing a partnership/network,
- Indicator setting and indicator-based monitoring in partnership/network studies,
- Indicator-based monitoring and advocacy relationship,
- The focus is on different examples of partnership/networking, practical information, and resources.
5) Project Cycle Management (PCM) Training
This training aims to introduce the necessary information and methods to write projects for the grant programs of various national and international institutions, especially the European Union. While trying to introduce the method 'Project Cycle Management' mentioned during this training, the basic concepts and titles related to this method are examined. During the training, information and clues about how the introduced concepts and methods had arisen are also given through real examples from projects that were written and implemented differently.