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İnsan Hakları Eğitimi

İnsan hakları egitimi eğitmenlerine eğitici eğitimi çağrısı.

İnsan hakları egitimi eğitmenlerine eğitici eğitimi çağrısı.

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Call for participants: Training Course for Trainers in Human Rights Education (TOTHRE)

The Training Course for Trainers in Human Rights Education (TOTHRE) is one of the key activities of the programme of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. The 2013-4 edition builds on the experiences accumulated previously, but as well on the recommendations made by the Conference on the implementation of the Council of Europe Charter on Human Rights Education. The course aims to develop the competences of trainers in non-formal education in their role as trainers or multipliers for human rights education with young people in international, national or local activities and projects.

The course consists of three phases: 1. E-learning - getting ready for the course and developing a common knowledge basis (November 2013 - April 2014) 2. The residential training seminar (8-16 April 2014) 3. Follow-up (April-July 2014)

The course is addressed to: - active trainers or facilitators in non–formal education, especially within youth organisations and associations, in youth work activities and in other NGOs concerned with human rights education, - teacher trainers with a multiplying role within formal education systems, interested in introducing non-formal learning methodologies in their human rights education activities; Participants should be between 18-30 years old, be resident in a state signatory of the European Cultural Convention, be supported by a youth organisation, association or institution within which they can act as multipliers of human rights education (HRE) and be able to work in English.

Deadline to submit applications: 8 October 2013

All deatails can be found on: [ ]TOTHRE call 2013-14 v1.pdf

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