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Barış ve spor ödülleri çağrısı

Barış ve Spor Ödülleri 2012 kapsamında barışa ve sosyal istikrara katkı sağlayan bireyler ve girişimler ödüllendirilecektir. Ödül kategorilerini ve daha fazlasını bu sayfada bulabilirsiniz.

Barış ve Spor Ödülleri 2012 kapsamında barışa ve sosyal istikrara katkı sağlayan bireyler ve girişimler ödüllendirilecektir. Ödül kategorilerini ve daha fazlasını bu sayfada bulabilirsiniz.

The Peace and Sport Awards 2012 have been launched!

They reward initiatives and individuals who contribute to peace and social stability in the world in 2012.

Deadlines: 24 August 2012 for Image of the year 31 August 2012 for the other categories.

2012 Award categories
Seven categories of project are awarded this year:
International Sports Federation of the year
This Award recognizes excellence from an International Federation project which contributes to the development of social integration and peace through sport.
Sports Event of the year
This Award celebrates an event which effectively promotes a message of peace through sport and works for the long term benefit of identified communities.
Non-Governmental Organization of the year
This prize is awarded to an NGO which has demonstrated real expertise in using sport as a sustainable tool for peace education.
CSR initiative of the year
This Award rewards a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative which has particularly shown its civic mindedness by using sport as a tool for peace education.
Special Jury Award
This Award pays tribute to creative initiatives (films, books, exhibitions, art ...) which have highlighted the positive role sport can play for sustainable peace in 2012.
Image of the year

This prize awards a photograph that has succeeded in promoting peace through sport on the global agenda. This Award is given in partnership with SPORTEL MONACO and Getty Images.
Champion of the year
This Award crowns an international athlete who has made a significant contribution to promote and use sport for sustainable peace.

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