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İngiltere Büyükelçiliği'nden Refah Fonu Açık Çağrısı

İngiltere Dış İşleri Bakanlığı’nın Dış Politika Öncelikleri 2 kapsamında, İngiltere’nin dış politikasını geliştirmeye katkı sağlamak amacıyla İngiltere Büyükelçiliği tarafından 2014-2015 Refah Fonu Açık Çağrısı başlatılmıştır. Türkiye’nin de öncelikli ülkeler arasında bulunduğu teklif çağrısına sunulan projelerin ön teklfileri için son başvuru tarihi: 28 Şubat 2014'tür.

İngiltere Dış İşleri Bakanlığı’nın Dış Politika Öncelikleri 2 kapsamında, İngiltere’nin dış politikasını geliştirmeye katkı sağlamak amacıyla İngiltere Büyükelçiliği tarafından 2014-2015 Refah Fonu Açık Çağrısı başlatılmıştır. Türkiye’nin de öncelikli ülkeler arasında bulunduğu teklif çağrısına sunulan projelerin ön teklfileri için son başvuru tarihi: 28 Şubat 2014'tür.

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Refah Fonu, İngiltere kalkınma hedefleri kapsamında İngiltere’nin Dış Politika önceliklerinden olan yatırım, ihracat, serbest piyasa ve küresel büyüme kanallarına katkı sağlayarak refah seviyesini arttırmayı hedeflemektedir.

Projelerin 3 temel başlık altında geliştirilmesi hedeflenmektedir.

-Sürdürülebilir, Etkin ve Açık Ekonominin Arttırılması
-Enerji Güvencesinin Geliştirilmesi ve Enerji Verimliliğinin Yükseltilmesi
-Türkiye’de Düşük Karbonlu İktisadi Gelişmeyle İklim Değişikliği Mücadelesi

Prosperity Fund bidding round 2014-2015 is open

About the Fund
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office wants to help to create the right conditions to support global growth. We work for transparency and a strong, rules-based international economic system. We work for a low carbon economy and resilient energy markets and we promote science and innovation as solutions to global challenges. We promote Britain as an international partner of choice. We support British companies win new business, promote education and innovation as drivers of growth. The FCO delivers these through number of strategic funds and programmes such as the Prosperity Fund. The purpose of the FCO’s Prosperity Fund is to contribute towards policy goal of creating the conditions for global growth. Turkey is one of the FCO’s priority countries and regions. We aim to develop projects under three main strands:
• Open Economy - Working for a transparent and strong rules-based international economic system;
• Energy Security & Efficiency - Working for resilient energy markets and better functioning of global energy markets;
• Climate Change – Helping to create a low carbon economy, and promoting science and innovation as solutions to global challenges;

Project goals
Projects should demonstrate:
• They are practical and have high-impact activity that will lead to a real and timely transformation in terms of high-level policy and action on the ground.
• Proposals focusing purely on research, analysis, seminars or workshops will not be relevant unless they lead to specific and measurable action.
• They will trigger further incremental action and improve results out of proportion to the money the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) spends e.g. by securing funding from co-donors
• They are adding value to, and not duplicating, other donor activity in the sector and/or country.
• Host governments have been consulted and are supportive; if they have not, the bid should provide evidence on how the project has sufficient buy-in from the necessary stakeholders to achieve the expected outcomes. Working with governments and official bodies is more likely to result in high impact, transformative outcomes which outlive the duration of the project; partners can include business and non-government offices where their influence can bring around policy change.
• Projects can be at regional or state level within a country, provided that the ability to replicate is built into the proposal and sufficient impact is likely.
• Proposals should outline the affect and the changes the project will make.
• Proposals should include any publicity, dissemination and outreach activities in the budget from the outset; any media work should be directly related to the project proposal, but any paid-for marketing work needs to seek exemption from the Marketing and Advertising Freeze.
• Implementers’ management and administrative costs should be no more than 10% of the overall budget.
• Projects should be based in pounds sterling so that the implementer carries the exchange rate risk; there are no project funds to manage this risk.
• The FCO places a strong emphasis on programme and project-level evaluation: project-implementing organisations must submit quarterly progress reports for the duration of the project, and a project completion form within three months of the project conclusion.

Bidding Process
Interested organisations should submit a concept bid (short application form) on areas specified under the programme strategy. Once the concept bids are approved by the Prosperity Fund Programme Board, successful bidders will be asked to submit their full bids. After the second sitting of the Prosperity Fund Post Programme Board, results will be announced and successful bidders will be informed. Projects will be implemented within 2014-2015 financial year which starts 1 April 2014. Timeline for the current bidding round is:
Open call for concept bids – 7 February 2014
Deadline for submission of concept bids – 28 February 2014
Successful bidders will be invited to submit full bids – 10 March 2014
Deadline for submission of full bids – 28 March 2014
Successful bidders will be invited to sign contracts –11 April 2014
Contracting process - till May 2014.

Country strategy and application form
• Please visit our webpage for relevant documentation:

Who can apply
• Please note that we do not have any limitation on the number of applicants.
• Any organisation holding a legal entity can apply for funding.
• Please note that we cannot make any pre-payments, so the successful bidders need to make payments and then ask us to reimburse these project expenses.
• The implementer should be able to receive money transfers from us
• We don’t support projects submitted by individuals.

Please note that partnerships in the proposed projects are seen as important elements. Partnership and/or cooperation with the UK based organisations are strongly encouraged.

Application limits
• Please note that the upper limit for project budgets is £80.000.
• Successful projects will have less than 12 months of implementation time frame, until the end of March 2015, so please plan accordingly.
• Due to limited resources, we expect to fund projects scaling around £10-80.000 and micro-scale projects that have less than £10.000 budget.

Means of Application
You can apply via email. We will send confirmation receipt once we receive your application. You will be notified by 10 March 2014.

Arif Cem Gündoğan
Prosperity Fund Coordinator
Email: [email protected]

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