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İngiltere Büyükelçiliği'nden proje teklif çağrısı

İngiltere Büyükelçiliği Avrupa’yı Birleştirme Programı için proje teklif çağrısına çıkmış bulunmaktadır. Son başvuru tarihi: 6 Ocak 2012.

İngiltere Büyükelçiliği Avrupa’yı Birleştirme Programı için proje teklif çağrısına çıkmış bulunmaktadır. Son başvuru tarihi: 6 Ocak 2012.

İngilizce çağrı metnine aşağıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Friday, 6 January 2012 – Deadline for implementers to submit concept bids to Posts

Diplomatic Values and Influence Fund (DIV)
Reuniting Europe (RE) Programme

The Diplomatic Values and Influence Fund (DIV) Reuniting Europe (RE) helps deliver our vision of building an effective and globally competitive EU in a secure neighbourhood. It does this by supporting EU enlargement and by helping European partner countries to implement the reforms necessary for EU accession. It focuses, in particular, on stable institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and the respect for and protection of minorities.

To apply for FCO funding, interested organisations must submit a brief concept paper - Part A of the Project Bidding Form and guidance, below, to the Embassy’s Project Section. This will provide the basic information required to enable the Project Selection Committee to make an assessment whether or not a concept should be developed into a full project bid. If you need additional information on the past and current programmes supported by the British Embassy in Ankara or you need more information about the available programme funding, please contact the project section staff at the Embassy.

All projects submitted must directly support implementation of the RE programme strategy and at least one of the priority objectives and indicators in 2012/13. These are as follows;

Objective A: To support political reforms and undertake political advocacy

Political advocacy in support of EU membership is as important as concrete reform work.  As the UK is one of the strongest supporters of EU enlargement, we focus on establishing effective means of communicating the benefits of EU membership to the public in candidate and potential candidate countries. We also work to take forward broader political issues such as improving relations with neighbouring countries; a key issue in the accession process for many of our seven countries and one which was cited in the 2011 EU Country Progress Report Strategy.


A.1 The implementation of approximately 5 reforms supported across our 7 countries each year. Local capacity and knowledge to facilitate their implementation increased and UK best practice used where appropriate;

A.2 Improved capacity of civil service and media knowledge of how  to effectively communicate the benefits of eventual EU membership to their public, both within the target country and to neighbouring states (both EU and non-EU);

A.3 Improved relations with neighbouring states in key policy areas eg: Turkey’s relations with its neighbours over handling Kurdish separatism and the Middle East and Serbia/ Albania, Macedonia and her neighbours.

Objective B: To increase political transparency and good governance

The EU’s agreements and action plans with neighbouring countries place a strong emphasis on progress in the fields of political transparency and good governance. These are fundamental to political and economic development, to combating corruption, building investor confidence and paving the way for closer EU integration.


B.1 Legal and institutional checks and balances established and in operation in support of greater transparency in policy-making and implementation;

B.2 More rigorous control of economic policy making and an increase in investor confidence enhancing broader commercial diplomacy efforts in the region;

B.3 Improved legal framework for the establishment and implementation of anti-corruption strategies;

B.4 Mechanisms in place and skills developed and deployed to enable citizens to engage with elected political representatives and so participate in local and national political processes;

B.5 Improved media capacity to act as an agent for transparency and accountability developed and mobilised; including activity in support of media freedom and wider freedom of expression. 

Objective C:  To build capacity in public administration

Co-ordination of the legislative, administrative, operational and policy work demanded by the EU integration process is a formidable challenge. Governments need to review the scale and organisation of their human and financial resources and put in place strong systems for strategic direction and communication at central, regional and local level. This is a long process that may need to be supported well before accession negotiations begin. The UK is recognised as one of the most efficient EU "operators" and its expertise in this area is in great demand.


C.1 An increase in structures, mechanisms and skills (which draw on UK best practice) to support an effective and politically neutral civil service. These include transparent recruiting on the basis of merit, strengthened business planning and performance management systems and effective financial and HR management;

C.2 Establish and bring into operation best practice models (which were previously lacking) for policy-making, service delivery and performance measurement, all key areas of public administration. These will also support broader economic improvements, eg: financial regulatory impact assessments;

C3 Structures, mechanisms and skills for the planning and co-ordination of the EU integration process put in place. These include developing capacity in local and regional authorities to improve their chances of gaining access to, and effectively deploying, EU funds.

C.4 Key non-governmental stakeholders demonstrably willing and able to contribute to the success of the EU integration process in their respective countries.

Objective D: To strengthen reforms in the justice sector and promote human rights

This is one of the most challenging aspects of the EU harmonisation process. There is already substantial investment in this area by the EU and others, but monitoring suggests that more progress is needed and our targeted interventions can effect real change. We adopt a collaborative approach, involving senior government officials and involving well-respected experts from the UK to encourage good communication and help build trust. This joined-up working can have a transforming effect in safeguarding human rights, reducing corruption, increasing efficiency and winning public and investor confidence. Aspects of human and minority rights can be particularly challenging but successful social inclusion is crucial in many of countries we work in if they are to achieve political and economic stability and may be fundamental to the process of integration with the EU.


D.1 Mechanisms established and operational capacity developed to increase the transparency of - and public confidence in - the judicial system, border management and law enforcement. Includes the requirement for inter-agency and cross-border co-operation to enhance effectiveness in combating organised and other serious crime;

D.2 Mechanisms and models developed and operational and capacity building undertaken to reduce the burden on courts and prisons, including through inter-agency co-operation;

D.3 Enhanced capacity and commitment to integrate marginalised and minority groups in general in order to meet international human rights standards and safeguard the rights of vulnerable communities in the justice system;

D.4 Improved legislative frameworks to facilitate free and fair elections.

Frequently asked questions:

•    projects should be at a minimum of £20,000
•    projects spanning 3 financial years are permitted (if funding permitting)
•    we regret that we are unable to fund academic courses or research, or English language courses
•    The Reuniting Europe Programme is one of many programmes of the wider Diplomatic Influence and Values Fund.

Application documents:
The Project Bidding Form and the Guidance on how to fill out the application are provided in the links below:

Project bidding form and guidance [Word 178KB, new window]

Özge Manyas
Reuniting Europe Projects Coordinator

Project proposals should be sent to:
British Embassy
Şehit Ersan Caddesi 46/A
Çankaya Ankara

or by e-mail to [email protected]

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