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Women in Development Europe (WIDE)

WIDE is a European network of development NGOs, gender and human rights activists and was founded in 1985. WIDE follows and influences international economic and development policies, and works with a feminist perspective. WIDE's work is based on women's rights, which are considered as the basis for the development of a more fair and democratic world order.

Purposes and the Way of Work

WIDE aims for a world based on social justice that will ensure gender equality and equal rights for all, as well as on equal access to resources and opportunities in all areas of political, social and economic life.

WIDE's core activities include lobbying, advocacy and awareness raising. WIDE raises awareness of the complexity of political, economic and social dynamics, and analyzes the impact of European and international policies (such as the EU and the World Trade Organization) on women's lives and gender relations. WIDE lobbies EU and international institutions such as the WTO and the United Nations to adopt gender-sensitive policies. It also monitors the implementation of women's rights tools such as the Beijing Platform for Action and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

Membership and Membership Requirements

There are two types of WIDE membership: full membership (with right to vote) and limited membership (without right to vote). Membership is discussed at the annual session as well as at the annual conference.

WIDE is a European-based network.

The membership requirements are as follows:

  • To live in Europe,
  • To share the vision of WIDE,
  • To contribute to the work of WIDE by paying the annual fee.

The membership application form can be found here


Address: WIDE Mailing Address
Rue de la Sablonnière, 18, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium


Email address or Facebook page should be used for communication.





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