RI maintains official relations with institutions including the United Nations, ECOSOC, World Health Organization, International Labor Organization, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNESCAP, the Organization of American States (OAS), the European Community and the Council of Europe. In addition, RI actively participates in the work of IDA, the largest global network that carries out activities for people with disabilities in the world.
Purposes and the Way of Work
RI and its members work to protect the rights of people with disabilities, including ensuring access to and improvement of crucial services for persons with disabilities and their families. RI also promotes collaboration among stakeholders and advocates in order to build strong policies and legislation on the international, regional and national levels. Rehabilitation International is a democratic administration governed by an Assembly, which represents its member organizations, and an Executive Committee elected by the Assembly.
Membership and Membership Requirements
NGOs that share the RI vision can apply for membership. The membership application form can be accessed at www.riglobal.org/get-involved/partners.
Address: RI Secretariat
866 United Nations Plaza, Office 422
New York, New York 10017, USA
Tel: +1 (212) 420 - 1500
Fax: +1 (212) 505 - 0871
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.riglobal.org
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/RIGLOBAL1
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riglobal
Twitter: www.twitter.com/ri_global
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