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KARAT Coalition

Established in 2001, KARAT is a regional coalition of organizations and individuals working to achieve gender equality in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States countries, monitoring the implementation of international conventions and lobbying at all levels of decision-making forums for the needs and concerns of women in the region, and brings together 63 organizations from 25 different countries.

Purposes and the Way of Work

The purposes of KARAT are as follows:

  • To encourage gender-sensitive policies, decision-making processes and the harmonization of national policies and laws of all countries in the region with international standards and conventions,
  • To contribute to the stability and peace in the region,
  • To strengthen KARAT's capacity to fulfill its mission.

Its core activities are:

  • Advocating and lobbying at national, regional and international levels (Central and Eastern Europe / Commonwealth of Independent States countries, UN Economic Commission for Europe, EU and UN)
  • Improving the capacity of NGOs working in the field of gender,
  • Organizing regional and international conferences, meetings and workshops,
  • Publishing,
  • Networking, information sharing, and disseminating of information

Membership and Membership Requirements

KARAT's members are organizations and individuals from Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
There are two categories of membership:

  • Organizations as regular members, and
  • Women and men as individual honorary members.


CARAT Secretariat
Address: ul. Walecznych 26/3
03-916 Warsaw, Poland

Tel./Fax: +48 22 628 2003 






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