Purposes and the Way of Work
The purposes of the federation are:
to call on national governments, European institutions and decision-makers to join forces to combat the problem of missing and sexually exploited children.
- To increase awareness,
- To mobilize and implement initiatives to improve the situation of children, missing people and /or victims of sexual abuse, and to change legal standards, mindsets and behaviors in Europe,
- To encourage and facilitate communication between organizations in Europe for more effective approaches to the fight against the disappearance and sexual exploitation of children.
- To establish an information and documentation center on the problem of the disappearance and sexual exploitation of children,
- To determine preventive measures.
Membership Criteria
The Federation brings together 30 organizations in 26 countries from the European continent that are struggling with the problem of missing and / or sexually exploited children.
European Federation for Missing Children, a NGO, is mutually committed to good faith partnerships to continue its work to remain financially sustainable and protect missing children.
Please contact support.committee@missingchildreneurope.eu for more details.
Email: info@missingchildreneurope.eu
Web: www.missingchildreneurope.eu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MissingChildrenEurope
Twitter: www.twitter.com/missingchildeu
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/EFMSEChildren

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