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European Disability Forum (EDF)

EDF is an umbrella organization representing more than 80 million people with disabilities in Europe. Its mission is to guarantee the full access of persons with disabilities to fundamental rights and human rights through active participation in policy development and implementation in the European Community.

Purposes and the Way of Work

The aims of the EDF are related to the promotion of humanitarian, civil, social and economic rights of persons with disabilities and to ensure that these individuals have equal opportunities at the level of the relevant European Community institutions and policies. To this end, cooperation activities are carried out with the public and non-governmental organizations, international organizations, European Community and European Economic Area institutions in line with the principles of anti-discrimination.

One of the main functions of the EDF is to create a political environment that will transform the perception that disabled people are passive individuals in need of assistance and care, which should be evaluated within the framework of equal opportunity, and thus create a model that will support disabled individuals' independent lives, empowerment and perception as equal individuals.

Membership and Membership Requirements

EDF is made up of representatives of the European Non-Governmental Organizations for Persons with Disabilities and the national councils of the European Community and all member states of the European Economic Area on disability. Full and limited member delegates attend the general assembly and can be elected to administrative bodies.

EDF membership is also open to representatives of national councils of countries outside the European Community and the European Economic Area. These groups can join the EDF as observers. In addition, all kinds of organizations, private or public institutions and individuals interested in EDF activities that operate by or for the benefit of individuals with disabilities at the national or local level in Europe, take into account and support the aims and objectives of EDF can participate in EDF.

For issues related to membership application:

Loredana Dicsi: Internal Communications & Membership Specialist 



Address: European Disability Forum
Square de Meeus 35 
1000 Brussels / Belgium

Tel: +32 2 282 46 00
Fax: +32 2 282 46 09








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