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CultureLink has been established in Paris in 1989 by UNESCO and the Council of Europe as the Network of Networks for Research and Cooperation in Cultural Development. Serving as a resource center for all its members, Culturelink has developed itself as an effective and single mechanism in the field of culture. Culturelink has been the richest content project of the World Decade for Cultural Development (1988-1997) with its wide geographical coverage.

Purposes and the Way of Working

Culturelink strives to strengthen communication between its members by supporting international and intercultural communication and cooperation. The long-term goal of the network is to create a world-class information system for cultural development and cooperation efforts.

In addition to collecting, processing and disseminating information on cultural development, cultural life and policies, Culturelink carries out the following main activities:

  • Promoting joint regional, interregional and international research projects,
  • Organizing expert conferences, seminars and trainings on cultural and communication issues,
  • Building a Culturelink database,
  • Publishing the Culturelink Review and other publications, studies and reports.

Membership and Membership Requirements

The Culturelink network gathers over 1000 networks, member organizations and individuals from 100 countries around the world. Members are networks, institutions, organizations, universities, foundations and professional groups around the world that are interested in and working on cultural development, cultural politics, cultural management and cooperation. In order to participate in the Culturelink network, it is necessary to be interested in and working on cultural development, cultural policies, cultural management and cooperation. For this purpose, the membership form must be filled.


Address: Culturelink Network/IMO
Ulica Ljudevita Farkasa Vukotinovica 
2 P.O. Box 303 10000 Zagreb / Croatia

Tel: +385 1 48 77 460
Fax: +385 1 48 28 361


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