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Monitoring Freedom of Association Project Consultancy Announcement

We are looking for experts for short-term consultancy support within the scope of our Monitoring Freedom of Association Project, which is supported by the European Union and implemented in cooperation with the Third Sector Foundation of Turkey (TUSEV).

In line with their field of interest and experience, experts will provide short-term support during the implementation of the project activities on the following topics

Study Topics:

  •  Tax Legislation Relevant to Civil Society
  • Financial Regulations Relevant to Civil Society
  • Statuses Specific to CSOs such as Tax Exemption and Public Benefit Status
  • Financial Capacity and Sustainability of CSOs
  • Individual and Corporate Donations to CSOs
  • Freedom of Association and Legal Guarantees in Legislation and Practice
  • Public-CSO Cooperation, Practices and Good Practices
  • Public Support for CSOs
  • Participation of CSOs in Decision Making and Policy Development Processes
  • Employment and Volunteering in CSOs
  • Research Methods
  • Civil Society Statistics and Access to Information
  • Perception and Trust Surveys on Civil Society

Expert candidates who will apply for the Expert Pool are expected to have previous knowledge and experience in the field of civil society. The areas of expertise needed are listed below and applicants are expected to have demonstrable experience in at least one of these areas.

Interested candidates can apply by sending their CVs in English to [email protected] and [email protected] by writing "Monitoring Freedom of Association Project Expert Announcement" in the e-mail subject until 31 December 2023. 

Following the applications, STGM and TUSEV will contact the experts from the pool of experts to be formed and provide detailed information about the scope and duration of the work. However, no feedback will be given regarding whether the applications are found positive or negative.

Expert contracts will be made on the basis of the days determined according to the need, and the experts who will work within the scope of the project are expected to provide services in return for an invoice or self-employment receipt to be prepared exempt from VAT. It is also possible to employ experts on a fixed-term basis. The status of working with the expert and the number of working days will be determined jointly by STGM, TUSEV and the applicant.

For your questions, you can send an e-mail to [email protected] and [email protected].

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