The project, titled “Combating Media Disinformation in Turkey”, supported by NATO Public Diplomacy Unit, focused on contributing to the fight against information disorder in Turkey. It aims to carry out discussions on which channels can be prevented, draw attention to the role of the media in the dissemination and prevention of false information, and make the Turkish media and civil society organizations more resilient against information corruption.
This project, carried out by Prof.Dr. Emel Parlar Dal from Marmara University and Prof.Dr. Emre Erdoğan from Istanbul Bilgi University is a continuation of the projects “Building Disinformation Resistance in Turkey” held in November-December 2020 and “Combating Information Irregularity in Turkey” held in June-July 2021. It is designed for the representatives and employees of the organization.
In December 2020, more than 300 participants who completed the Seminar Program consisting of 12 courses titled Building Disinformation Resistance in Turkey were awarded certificates. In June 2021, 20 trainers dealing with the issue of information disorder in the Trainer Training Program within the scope of the Project on Combating Information Irregularity were informed in detail about this subject after a two-day training conducted by the project coordinators. In July, the trainers provided training to participants in many cities of Turkey on topics such as today's information ecosystem, the spread of misinformation in the digital environment, combating misinformation, and disinformation in global politics, with online courses of approximately two hours; more than 300 participants in total participated in these training and were entitled to receive certificates. Then, this training was supported by designing an open-access course on the www.dezenformasyonegitimi.org website under the title of Disinformation Training, which anyone can access free of charge by logging in with their username and password.
Although the Open Access Disinformation Training is still ongoing, a comprehensive series consisting of 6 seminars was prepared for media and CSO workers/representatives in the program titled "Combating Media Disinformation in Turkey" that will start on 13 December. In this series, Prof. Dr. Emre Erdogan will give an online seminar on "Basic Concepts in Information Disorder", Prof. Dr. Emel Parlar Dal on “The Struggle of International Organizations with Information Irregularity”, Dr. Gökçe Gezer on “Security Dimension of Information Irregularity”, Assoc. Dr. Sinan Alper on “The Psychological Dimension of Information Irregularity”, Assoc. Dr. Bilge Şenyüz on "Media Ecosystem and Information Irregularity" and Ambassador (R) Tacan İldem on "NATO's Strategy to Combat Disinformation". After the program, a policy report will be released to the public.
For project details and previous works, you can visit the website www.rdmedu.com and the Twitter account @rdismisedu!