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Mavi Kalem Practitioner Trainings are now online!

You are invited to the Men's Participation Workshop Series Practitioner Training for Women's Empowerment.

mavi kalem

This workshop series is designed for Syrian men over the age of 18 to support women's participation in social and economic life and to raise awareness about violence and gender equality.

Our series consists of five titles:

1. Meet
2. Violence
3. Parenting
4. Women's Labor Force Participation
5. Gender Equality

To create this workshop series, we went through brainstorming and test applications with volunteer men and held consultation meetings with different civil society organizations. We applied the workshop series face-to-face in Fatih and Zeytinburnu in Istanbul and Seyhan in Adana and gave the participants certificates of participation. We also held face-to-face practitioner training upon request in Istanbul and Adana. During the pandemic process, we conducted an online supervision study in line with the feedback received from the field by those who participated in face-to-face practitioner training. We look forward to your participation in the practitioner training we continue online.

Date: 5-6-7-8-9 July 2021
Time: 9.30-12.30
Location: Zoom

  • At least two active literate and Arabic-speaking employees or volunteers from each organization can apply.
  • In practice, it was determined that the practitioner being male and the supervisor female increased the effect of the study. For this reason, we recommend that the participating team preferably be a woman and a man.
  • Both people are expected to be actively literate in Turkish.
  • Participants are expected to have gender equality awareness and preferably experience working with Syrian refugees.
  • Employees and/or volunteers participating in the training will be given a certificate of participation if they participate in the entire 5 half-day training program.

It is aimed that the participants of the training will apply the Men's Participation Workshop Series for Women's Empowerment to a group of Syrian men over the age of 18 at least once in their organization.

For application;
You can fill out the form from the Link.

Application deadline: July 3, 2021

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