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Mavi Kalem Association is Looking for a Case Worker

Mavi Kalem Association is looking for a female teammate to work as a Case Worker in its offices located in Fatih-Esenyurt, Istanbul.

Job Description

  • Determining the risk level of children who are at risk of protection, making follow-ups
  • Execution of high-benefit processes
  • Follow-up of each case from file and registration processes, management and reporting of case processes
  • Developing and regularly updating the mapping of services and referral processes (health, education, psychosocial, etc.).

Required Qualifications

  • Woman
  • Graduated from social services, sociology, psychology departments of universities with at least a bachelor's degree
  • Fluent in spoken Arabic
  • Have at least 5 years of working experience in similar positions with refugee and asylum seeker women
  • Knowledge of laws and regulations regarding refugees and asylum seekers
  • Has a perspective of protection and empowerment on gender equality and vulnerable groups
  • High written and verbal communication skills
  • Using positive communication language
  • Having a sense of collaborative work and non-competitive,

Those who are interested in the advertisement can send their CV and half-page motivation letters to until 04 February 2022 at 17:00 by writing the position applied in the subject section of the e-mail.

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