Leyli Sanat Derneği is expecting content contributions from art lovers to SİYAH e-magazine, which it has prepared in order to strengthen its work in the field of literature and to present qualified, diverse and inclusive content to both the civil society sector and the art world.
Essays, stories, poems, cartoons, illustrations, etc. on the theme of women and children. Written and visual content is submitted via the content submission form by March 1, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
Detailed information about the magazine and the rules for submitting content can be found here.
SİYAH an acronym made up of the words sanat (art), ilham (inspiration), hayat (life), adalet (justice), hak (right) and also a word that overlaps with Leyli Sanat Derneği. Leyli means "night, night-specific, over-night, permanent" in Arabic. SİYAH, which complements Leyli, will be part of the Leyli Sanat Derneği and will continue its activities as the association's publishing platform.
Seda Hatam Oghly, Leyli Sanat Derneği board secretary, and Zeynep Tosun, board member of the association, are the editors-in-chief of the e-magazine; Merve Gülmez is responsible for communication and design.