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"KİM? LİK? KİM?" : “Identity” Themed Collective Learning Experience from the beraberce Academy

What is identity? Is identity a sine qua non of existence? How do we establish our identity? Are we constructing our identity or are others constructing an identity for us? What makes up our identity? Can the features that make up our identity change and reshape over time? Or do we have immutable identity properties?

beraberce akademi

We invite you to the beraberce Academy's 'Identity' themed collective learning experience to think about these questions and more. Let's expand the questions together and talk about our identity in a collective and democratic learning environment.

Click the link to apply.

  • Deadline: 8 July 2021
  • Evaluation and announcement of results: 10 July 2021

Program Days and Hours:

  • Tuesday, July 13, 14:00-18:00
  • Wednesday, July 14, 14:00-18:00

Since our sessions are the continuation and complement of each other, we expect the participants to participate in the entire program, taking into account the group dynamics.

We invite you to the beraberce Academy to think together, ask questions, and talk about our identities in a democratic and collective learning environment!

Click the link to join.

The quota of the online collective learning experience program with the theme of “Identity” is limited to 15 people.

We will share the collective learning experience theme, the detailed calendar, and the details of access to the beraberce Academy after the participation application evaluation process.

We consider participation from different cities and backgrounds and gender equality as a basis in evaluating participation applications.

For your questions and detailed information, please contact us at  e-mail address.


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