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Karadeniz Yeni Ufuklar Association Seeks Mentors for We Are In Education Project

Karadeniz Yeni Ufuklar Association is seeking mentors to serve on the We Are in Education project.

Expectations of Mentors;

  • Participate in the 4-day, 12-hour mentor training held online in November
  • Conduct 6 interviews per month with their assigned girl in December and February (3 months)
  • Completing the evaluation form sent to them at the end of the 3 months.

About the We Are in Education project
The project aims to inform girls aged 12-18 of secondary and high school age in Vezirköprü and Alaçam districts of Samsun about different career paths, empower them by matching them with successful female role models, providing them with training and mentoring support, and offering them equal opportunities to continue their qualified education. 

To apply to be a mentor:

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