
The İzmir Child Studies Network, which works to strengthen children's rights at the local level and create child-friendly spaces with universal standards, is seeking volunteers to work in the field of children's rights and contribute to strengthening children's fundamental rights and freedoms.
The areas of work of Izmir Child Studies Network are as follows;
- Creating an environment that works to protect and strengthen the fundamental rights and freedoms of the child in light of international conventions,
- Conducting monitoring studies in the field of children's rights,
- Establish dialogue and carry out capacity building activities among ecosystem actors working in the field of children's rights, especially children,
- Conduct studies focusing on the child's right to play and the rights of the child in the digital world, climate and the rights of the child, and raise public awareness in this direction.
Application deadline: March 30, 2023
For your questions:
To access the work of the Izmir Child Studies Network: @izmircocukcalismalariagi
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