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#Istanbul Convention Is 10 Years Old, We Do Not Give Up...

If the Istanbul Convention had been implemented, at least 2 thousand 336 women would now be among us.

On March 20, we heard that Turkey withdrew from the Istanbul Convention, unlawfully and ignoring the will of the parliament, with the Presidential decision at midnight. In the streets we poured on Saturday morning, we said loudly that this decision made by a single man was against the law, the Constitution, and the law of international agreements, and "it is declared null and void".


On April 29, another Presidential decision was issued, and it was stated that Turkey would exit the contract on July 1, 2021, as if we had heard of it. Thus, while giving intimidation to women, attempted to give instructions to the Council of State regarding dozens of cases, and to the Venice Commission, which took the issue on its agenda.

We, more than 300 women and LGBTI + organizations/platforms/groups, to fight against attacks on our acquired rights such as pardoning child abusers, withdrawing Turkey from the Istanbul Convention, turning 6284, and even the Civil Code as the next. As the Women's Platform for Equality-ESIK, we never give up on the Istanbul Convention, our lives, our rights, our solidarity, and our organized struggle.

This unlawful withdrawal decision is so nonexistent for us that on the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Istanbul Convention for signature in Istanbul on May 11, 2011, and Turkey being the first signatory of it, at the age of #IstanbulConvention, we say "Many happy ages".

The state has to fulfill its duty to protect the rights and lives of women, children, LGBTI +, the elderly, refugees, disabled people, and other disadvantaged groups.

The duty of the state is not to ignore the lives and rights of women; to flirt with those who glorify the family in which the woman is subjected to violence; those who demonize the concept of gender equality, those who covet divorce and alimony rights of women, those who defend forced marriages at an early age, those who declared the Istanbul Convention as a scapegoat for freedom of violence and abuse (!); it is to protect the right to live free from violence.

We will continue to remind you of this and call those responsible. We will try all kinds of legal means, nationally and internationally, from the decision to the reversal.

We do not give up on the Istanbul Convention.
The Istanbul Convention keeps you alive.
Istanbul Convention is in force.
The decision must be withdrawn.
The contract should be implemented effectively.

Press Information File:

EŞİK - Women's Platform for Equality 

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