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Improving Our Communication Skills for Strong Civic Engagement in Local Climate Action

The Women Leaders in Climate Action Community (İklim Eyleminde Kadın Liderler Topluluğu) will organise a meeting entitled "Improving our Communication Skills for Strong Civic Engagement in Local Climate Action" on 29-30 June 2024 in Izmir.

The event is aimed at 20 female civil society representatives who want to advocate for climate action and gender equality at the local level. The event includes theoretical and practical training on strategic communication approaches, digital activism tools, effective messaging and communication techniques.

Application requirements

  • Working in a civil society organisation that is active in the areas of climate action and gender equality
  • You must be able to participate full-time during the event dates
  • You must be highly motivated to improve your communication skills.
  • Reside in Izmir province or be able to be in Izmir during the event.

Application deadline

Applications will be accepted until 25 June 2024. It is important that applications are submitted on time; late applications will not be considered.

Application process

If you would like to apply, you can complete the form below. Applications will be assessed against the aims of the event and fulfilment of the application requirements. The results of the assessment will be communicated to applicants by e-mail.


Contact us [email protected]

Note: Transport and accommodation costs for participants from outside Izmir cannot be covered.

Click here for the application form.

İlgili Eğitim