The project will be realised thanks to the collaboration of two major instrument suppliers in Turkey, doremusic and Zuhal Müzik, and will receive further support from Pozitif Müzik. Our aim is to expand the fund with contributions from as much institutions and organisations as possible, in order to meet the needs of all eligible applicants.
Students and teachers who are studying or teaching in the music departments of fine arts high schools and conservatories in the region and whose instruments had been damaged or lost in the earthquakes will be able to apply between 28 February-30 May 2023.
Students and instructors who are in need of instrument support can apply simply by filling out the form and providing official student or teacher documentation and residence proof that they can receive via e-Government. Applications will be evaluated and answered by order of application dates.
For detailed information please visit: https://www.iksv.org/tr/news/instrument-support-fund-for-music-students-and-teachers-in-the-earthquake-region
To apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpbobfXhdHxpLmHgzcvrTX7UVNdEUDTBDljrnnVPAhQZG16w/viewform