You can apply for this meeting, which is designed for CSO representatives who want to learn, remember and apply the strategic management approach and covers a 4-month period, until Sunday, December 24, 2023 at 23.59.
STOK 200- Everyone Loves to Plan face-to-face training program will only be open to CSO representatives.
What will you be learning?
Situation analysis, evaluation, goal tree, monitoring, evaluation, logical framework, project cycle, planning, strategic plan, indicators, stakeholder analysis, project management, problem tree, budget management, grants are just a few of the concepts we will cover in 200- Everyone Loves to Plan...
This training program, which covers a 4-month period between March-June 2023, has a single application form. With this single application, you will apply for all 4 courses. It is enough to allocate 3 days a month for each course. If your application is accepted, you must attend all the classes.
The scheduled meeting dates are as follows;
- 10-11-12 January 2024 - 201 Strategic Plan Management
- 7-8-9 February 2024 - 202 Project Cycle Management
- 6-7-8 March 2024 - 203 Monitoring and Evaluation
- 3-4-5 April 2024 - 204 Project Management
You can apply for the program using the link below. There is only one application form for the program. With this form, you have registered for all 4 tracks together.
STOK 200- Everyone Loves to Plan face-to-face program is open to CSO representatives only.
Click to apply
What will you be learning?
Before applying for the 200- Herkes Plan Sever face-to-face training program, we recommend that you complete the online content of 200- Herkes Plan Sever on the STOK Learning Platform. Completion of the online content on the STOK Learning Platform at the time of your application will give you priority.
The deadline for application is Sunday, December 24, 2023 at 23:59.
All trainings will be organized in Ankara. Accommodation and travel expenses of participants coming from outside Ankara will be covered by STGM. Within 10 days following the deadline, the application evaluation process will be completed and you will receive a response about your application. Let us remind you that if your application is accepted, a "letter of support" will be requested from the management structure of the organization you represent, stating that they support your participation in the entire program on behalf of your organization.
Click here for detailed information about STOK 200 - Everyone Loves the Plan.