In the report prepared by the ICHILD Gender Equality Team, it was stated that "we, as rights holders, aim to make our voices heard and our demands heard and to be a part of the solution with the steps we want to take".
According to the results of the survey conducted with the participation of 185 students, more than 50 percent of the students said that they were exposed to discrimination throughout their education life, even before the pandemic period.
Most young people think that the reason for discrimination in education is "the unchanging mentality, patriarchal system, gender roles that have become the norm, and deficiencies in the education system".
In the report, "Have you been exposed to discrimination during your education life?" 49.7 percent answered yes to the question. A 97.8 percent answer was given to the question of whether the students were equally affected by the pandemic conditions. In the report, which draws attention to the fact that children and young people do not benefit from distance education efficiently, it was revealed that school guidance services are also insufficient.
You can access the report here.
ICHILD - International Child Rights Envoys Association is a non-governmental organization founded by young people in Ankara in 2019. The main objective of ICHILD is to take steps to ensure that every child is accepted as an equal citizen and subject by society and to strengthen the steps already taken. This axis also aims to strengthen existing mechanisms for children to defend their rights and to design new mechanisms where necessary. It considers the best interests of the child in all its activities and works in solidarity and cooperation with children by prioritizing their right to participate. The main field of work of ICHILD, which advocates obtaining the views of children on all issues concerning children and including them in decision-making processes, is the subject of child participation.