Who can take part in the Academy?
Anyone who has at least a bachelor's degree, is interested in minority rights and advocacy and wants to work on this topic can apply for the Academy.
Priority will be given to CSO workers, academics, lawyers, media and public sector workers, members of minorities, women and students who have worked in the field of minority rights.
What support is offered during the Academy program?
- The quota is limited to 20 people and participation in the program is free of charge.
- Accommodation and transportation costs for participants coming from outside Istanbul will be covered.
- The program materials will be provided to the participants in digital form.
- Simultaneous Turkish-English and English-Turkish translation will be provided for seminars held in English.
How can you apply?
Persons wishing to participate in the Academy must complete the application form in full and submit it by May 2, 2024 at 18:00. The results will be emailed to applicants by May 15, 2024.
You can apply to the Academy by completing this form.
We recommend that you read the selection rules carefully before submitting your application.
You can find detailed information at: https://hrantdink.org/tr/bolis/faaliyetler/projeler/tarih-programi/4166-akademi-programi-icin-basvurularinizi-bekliyoruz