Since 2015, HEVI LGBTI+ Association, which has been following the case since 2015, said in its call: "We need your support to ensure that the case is not time-barred, to bring the case to the public agenda, and to find Ahmet Yıldız's murderer and get the punishment he deserves. As HEVI LGBTI+ Association, we call on all sensitive citizens and non-governmental organisations to follow the case to ensure justice in the Ahmet Yıldız case and to prevent hate crimes from going unpunished."
The full call is as follows:
Since 2015, the last hearing of the Ahmet Yıldız case, which we have been following, coincides with the month of Pride. The trial, which coincides days before the Pride march, has become more important than ever for us. The recent increase in hate crimes/murders, LGBTI+ suicides and the political atmosphere that does not take any measures in this regard, does not take any measures to enact deterrent laws, and even strengthens hate speech almost every day, causes LGBTI+s to lose confidence in justice and fair trial and prevents them from using their most fundamental rights, access to justice and justice mechanisms. The prolonged duration of cases of symbolic importance and the lack of any conclusion of the cases, impunity and the transformation of the process itself into a separate punishment system become corrosive for the people and institutions that follow these cases. The justice we demand for Ahmet Yıldız is in fact the justice we demand for everyone. We want a fair trial and the criminals to receive the punishment they deserve. Therefore, this case is not only the case of LGBTI+ persons but also of all human rights activists and organisations. We need your support to ensure that this case is not time-barred, that the case is brought to the public agenda, and that Ahmet Yıldız's murderer is found and given the punishment he deserves.
The support we request from our esteemed friendly organisations:
- 27 June 2024 at 13:35 Kartal 5th High Criminal Court (Anadolu Courthouse), the participation of your lawyer representing your institution and volunteers from your association who want to attend the hearing.
- Making posts on Twitter and Instagram with the hastag #AhmetYıldızaAdalet on 26-27 June for the public opinion-forming work for the trial.
Social media accounts of HEVI LGBTI+ Association: