Application Information
*Applications from individuals not under state protection will not be considered.
**Applications will be considered invalid if the documents to be attached are missing.
*** Applications with complete documents will be scored by the scholarship evaluation committee according to the answers to be answered in the form. You are kindly requested to write the answers carefully.
Click here for the scholarship application form.
Deadline for submission: September 30, 2023
Preliminary evaluation of scholarship applications: October 29, 2023
Notification of application results: November 30, 2023
Evaluation procedure for scholarship applications
- To score the applications, a scholarship committee of 5 people will rank the applicants based on their responses with a score out of 10 without seeing their names.
- The points awarded will be added together and ranked from highest to lowest.
- Depending on the capacity of the association to award scholarships, scholarships will be awarded starting with the candidate with the highest score.
**In the scoring process, many parameters are taken into consideration, such as the city where the applicants live, the department they study in, whether they follow the work of the association, the needs of the department they study in, whether they have received a scholarship from elsewhere, and their motivation for receiving a scholarship.