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Grant Scheme for Supporting Disaster Platform

With the “Support to the Disaster Platform Sub-Grant Program,” which is the first component of the Capacity Building Program for Disaster Risk Management of Civil Society Organizations, we will strengthen the governance structure of the Disaster Platform.

With the first component of the program, we will strengthen the governance structure of the Disaster Platform, aiming to significantly reduce disaster risks, as well as losses in lives, livelihoods, and health, in line with the United Nations Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The Sendai Framework focuses on managing disaster risks while protecting people, their assets, health, livelihoods, and productive resources, as well as cultural and environmental assets. It also aims to recognize and protect all human rights, including the right to development.

We will support 4 sub-grant projects under this heading, where we aim to build capacity in the field of disaster risk management. 

  • Capacity Building for Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response - Needs Map
  • Creating Communities of Disaster Volunteers -TOG
  • Emergency Response and Risk Management through Community Led Approaches -STL
  • Strengthening the Disaster Risk Governance and Public Awareness - TIDER
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