The program will conduct various activities with young parliamentary candidates aged 18-30 who have accepted the GoFor principles and values.
In the 'Young Candidates Speak' program, young parliamentary candidates present themselves and the representation work they will do if elected;
We ask young candidates / young candidates who want to participate in the program, which includes activities such as,
- Meetings between youth organizations and young candidates,
- Signing and dissemination of the goodwill agreement by which the young candidates commit to represent the rights of youth, please fill out the form below, candidates for nomination/candidates will be contacted in the order of their application and until the selection process, plans will be made considering mutual program compatibility.
Note: Program intake and meetings will be held in Ankara, where the headquarters of the Forum of Youth Organizations is located. Online alternatives will be conducted for candidates who are unable to come to Ankara due to travel obstacles, election studies, and program conflicts.
For detailed information: https://go-for.org/genc-aday-destekleme-programi-basliyor/