
The Global Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Fund is now open to support scaling up EbA across the world.
The objectives of the call are;
- To build awareness and understanding of the critical role of natural assets in underpinning resilience to climate change, expand the knowledge and evidence base to help make the case for working with people and nature, and enhance institutional capacities for mainstreaming EbA into national plans and policy frameworks and vertical integration and alignment of EbA across sectors.
- To address planning and other governance gaps in policy and regulatory environments to increase the attractiveness and feasibility of using and upscaling ecosystem-based approaches.
- To expand access to sustainable short- and long-term finance mechanisms for applying and scaling up ecosystem-based approaches, including the incentivization of private sector investment in EbA and reducing EbA’s dependence on high management capacity and continuous financial input.
For more information, please check out Global EbA Fund website
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