What does the law proposal propose?
Among the proposed amendments, the legalisation of the expenditures made for Olympic, Paralympic and deaflympic athletes stands out. In addition, it is planned that the meeting announcements of the Union of Chambers of Certified Public Accountants and Certified Public Accountants of Turkey and the chambers will now be made through their official websites, and those who make their professional licence available to others will be dismissed from the profession.
The bill aims to increase the Eid bonus payment to pensioners to 4,000 TL. In addition, the President's monthly allowance and old age pension will also be redetermined.
It is planned to introduce premium payments for State Airports Authority (DHMI) personnel. The proposal also includes an increase in maternity benefit payments.
New regulations for the transport and energy sectors
The proposal includes amendments such as increasing the administrative fines imposed pursuant to the Road Transport Law, and making it compulsory for foreign-registered vehicles passing through private motorways without paying tolls to pay at customs gates. In addition, it is envisaged that the period for preventing the transfer of licences of facilities subject to tax inspections under the Petroleum Market Law will be limited to one year.
Regulations on Turkey Wealth Fund and foundation universities
Within the scope of the proposal, the period for the discussion of the audit reports of the Turkey Wealth Fund in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey will be rearranged. On the other hand, the movable and immovable properties and rights of foundation universities whose operating licences are cancelled will be transferred to the Treasury.
About the Platform
"Yasa Fikrim Platform" was developed within the scope of the ‘Monitoring of Freedom of Association Project’ supported by the European Union and implemented in cooperation with the Civil Society Development Centre (STGM) and the Third Sector Foundation of Turkey (TUSEV). The Platform, coordinated by the Legislative Association, aims to facilitate a more comprehensive, efficient and effective participation of civil society in legislative processes. You can access the platform at www.yasafikrim.com.
Through the platform, it is aimed to publish the law proposals that come to the agenda of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, to collect the opinions of civil society organisations and citizens through the platform and to report them to the relevant commission experts.