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"Give Room for Play" Practitioner Guide Introductory Workshop

The Sulukule Volunteers Association organizes an online workshop to introduce the "Give Room for Play" practitioner guide, which they prepared for the dissemination of activities aimed at the access of children to equal and fair education and strengthening their social skills within the scope of the Support to Rights Program.

By using play and body movement as tools, they try to strengthen the social skills of children between the ages of 10 and 14, create child-friendly spaces, and ensure child participation.

sulukule oyuna alan aç

They want to share the workshop contents and application methods prepared for this purpose.

  • The workshop will be held online on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, between 10:00 and 16:00.
  • Applications must be completed by Sunday, May 16, 2021, at 23.59 at the latest.
  • People who aim to work with children online and/or face to face should apply to the workshop.
  • There is a quota for participation in the workshop. Accepted persons will be notified by Friday, May 21, 2021.

You can find the application form here. Click for detailed information about the event. You can send your questions about the workshop to

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