Funded by the European Union and implemented by Genç Hayat Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education, the Future is M(in)e! project aims to better qualify and equip the workforce of the future by providing students with the opportunity to develop both technical and soft skills. The project, which also targets private sector representatives, focuses on developing skills that meet the needs of the sector by organizing workshops and training on equal opportunities in the IT sector and how to work effectively with new graduates.
Activities in which the private sector representatives are expected to participate as part of this project:
- Workshop on working effectively with the new generation: with the participation of 15 private sector representatives, the workshop aims to narrow the generation gap and facilitate collaboration by developing effective communication and awareness-raising processes. The workshop, which will take place on 31 July 2024 at Facebook Station, will consist of a single session and last approximately 6 hours.
- Equal Employment Opportunity Training: The training aims to sensitize private sector employees in the information technology sector on employment opportunities for girls and women. The training is expected to take place online in the first week of August.
- Exchange and evaluation meeting: An online meeting will be held during the week of 2 September to share the impact of the project activities and personal experiences.
- Final event: In September, after the schools open, the students will exhibit and promote the prototypes they have produced as part of the project and have the opportunity to network with private sector representatives.
The application form can be found at the following link
For further information:
Selen Aksoy, Project Coordinator, selen@genchayat.org