About the Organization
The main goal of the Toyota Fund for Europe is to follow Toyota's sustainability policies. For this, it cooperates with charities, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions in Europe.
Priority Areas
Environment, road safety, technical education.
About Application
Civil Society Organizations and educational institutions can benefit from the grant. Toyota Fund for Europe deals with projects that are or have the potential to be realized in multiple countries within Europe, as well as projects involving the participation of local institutions.
Funding applications can be made every semester, but the Toyota Fund for Europe selects projects in October. In the first application, the project period should not exceed 1 year. The maximum grant is 30,000 Euros in the first year, while a maximum of 15,000 Euros is given in the second year.
Applications are accepted at any time during the year, but the Board of Directors of Toyota Fund for Europe makes project selections in October/November. Applications are made online, the application form is available on their website.
For further information: http://www.toyotafund.eu/funding/apply_funding.aspx
Website: www.toyotafund.eu
Email: toyotafund@toyota-europe.com

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