United States of America
About the Organization
Global Fund for Women is a fundraiser to improve the human rights of women and girls and trans people around the world. It enables women to find creative solutions to local, regional, and international problems by ensuring the circulation and redistribution of existing resources. It supports the women's movement around the world for social change, equality, peace and justice by bringing together funding and requesting organizations in an international network.
Priority Areas
Peacebuilding and ending gender-based violence, improving health, sexual and reproductive rights, expanding political and urban participation, ensuring economic and environmental justice, increasing access to education, promoting philanthropy for social change.
About Application
The Global Fund for Women supports institutions in countries outside the United States. It funds organizations that are all women or trans people or have women/trans people in leadership positions. It does not accept individual applications. The General Support Fund, Travel Fund, Meeting/Event Organization Fund, and Crisis Fund aim to support the women's rights movement and strengthen the organization.
Priority areas are ending gender-based violence, support for economic and political empowerment, and reproductive health and sexual rights.
While online application forms are available in English, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic, applications in other languages are also accepted. In order to apply, it is necessary to register in the online database. Application is made by invitation for general support and crisis fund. Organizations that meet the criteria for travel and event funding can apply. The application process can be followed on the website.
Grants are between 5,000 and 30,000 USD. It generally supports up to 13,000 USD to organizations receiving grants for the first time.
A separate process is in place for the funds required for emergencies. In these cases, the funding application must be made 8 weeks before the study to be made.
For further information: http://www.globalfundforwomen.org/information-for-applicants
Website: https://www.globalfundforwomen.org/

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