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The Christensen Foundation

The Christensen Fund believes in the power of biological and cultural diversity to sustain and enrich a rapidly and indefinitely changing world. It supports people and institutions working in this context. 
Foundations and Independent Organizations


United States of America

About the Organization

The Christensen Fund believes in the power of biological and cultural diversity to sustain and enrich a rapidly and indefinitely changing world. It supports people and institutions working in this context. 

Priority Areas

Local rights and representation, gender and bio-cultural diversity, climate change, cultural expressions, flexible landscapes, transfer of traditional knowledge, sacred spaces, agricultural diversity and food independence.

About Application 

The foundation offers its support under different programs. An application call is published for each program. The foundation provides financial and logistical support to local and community-based organizations. Non-profit organizations, governments, universities, and museums can apply to the foundation in order to benefit from the grant. Pre-applications are accepted by email or fax. Organizations that pass the pre-application can make full applications. After making a pre-application, it takes 5-6 months for the project to be approved. The fund amount ranges from 50,000 to 100,000 USD. However, they can allocate more funds to the institutions they previously worked for. 
It was stated that although the foundation continues to support some projects implemented in the northeast of Turkey, it does not plan to grant grants to new projects in our country. Nevertheless, the Foundation can support the work of some organizations through the invitation method.

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March 2025