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Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find the answer to your question in the Frequently Asked Questions to STGM, please write to us.

The period of financial reports must match with the period covered by narrative reports. The financial reports shall also have the same level of detail as the Budget annexed to the Grant Contract. Any relevant variation from the budget initially submitted must be explained and indicated. 

Financial reports (such as narrative reports) must cover the whole project as it was presented in the application and accepted by the Contracting Authority (is EUD under the direct management modality), not only the shared financed by the EU contribution.

The financial reports must be consistent with the records, accounts, and ledgers of the beneficiaries and affiliated entities.

A detailed breakdown of expenditures (expenditures list) or an expenditure verification report has to be attached to interim and final narrative and financial reports.

For more information, please check out Companion.

No originals or copies of invoices, contracts or order forms have to be attached to the reports. However, when deemed necessary for assessing the eligibility of costs, the Contracting Authority (is EUD under the direct management modality) may always ask for more specific information or ask to check invoices. When there is such a demand, the beneficiary must submit the copies of related documents and invoices (originals may be requested during audits or expenditure verifications) to the Contracting Authority (is EUD under the direct management modality).

For more information, please check out Companion.

Yes, there is a template (Annex G / Annex VI) for interim financial report. The template can be found here.

You can reach templates from the Annexes of PRAG.

Various trainings on project writing are delivered by several institutions, CSOs, programmes or companies. Some of them are fee based services and some of them are free of charge training opportunities. You can have access to a training module regarding project development and project proposal writing via STGM’s free of charge online platform called, STOK Learning Platform. “Plan-Lover Organisations- Herkes Plan Sever” module (only in Turkish) provides training opportunities on project development and project proposal writing.

We also recommend you to review the following resources on this regard;

There is no official EU template, attached to contracts for the list of detailed breakdown of expenditure. If required, following samples may be used.

Detailed Expenditure List Sample 1 

Detailed Expenditure List Sample 2 

The intervention logic provides a description to summarize how the intervention is expected to work that should lead to the intended change. An intervention is often a solution to a problem or challenge. The intervention logic is also a tool which helps to explain the different steps and actors involved in the intervention.

The intervention logic provides a description to summarize how the intervention is expected to work that should lead to the intended change. An intervention is often a solution to a problem or challenge. The intervention logic is also a tool which helps to explain the different steps and actors involved in the intervention.

The Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) is a tool that demonstrates the internal consistency and integrity of the intervention with the designed project. A “logical framework matrix” presents results (encompassing Outputs, Outcomes and Impact), assumptions, indicators, targets, baselines, and sources of verification related to a project.

More information about Logical Framework Approach and Matrix, please have a look at:

Yes, there is a template for interim narrative report (Annex G / Annex VI). The document can be found here.

You can reach templates from the Annexes of PRAG

The Regulation of Associations for holding general assembly meetings has brought an obligation “to be held every three years at the latest". In this case, meetings will have to be held at most every three years. However, in the statute of the association, it is possible to reduce this period, for example, to stipulate that the meetings will be held every year or every two years.

Various trainings on project management (PCM, Prince 2, etc.) are delivered by several institutions, CSOs, programmes or companies. Some of them are fee based services and some of them are free of charge training opportunities. You can have access to a training module on project development, project management and implementation via STGM’s free of charge online platform called, STOK Learning Platform. “Plan-Lover Organisations-Herkes Plan Sever” module (only in Turkish) provides training opportunities on project management.

We also recommend you to review the following resources on this regard;

Yes, there is a template (Annex G / Annex VI) for final financial report. The document can be found  here.

You can reach templates from the Annexes of PRAG.

Associations can also hold general assembly and board of administration meetings electronically. Information and criteria on specifications of softwares to be used for holding general assembly and board of administration meetings can be found in Turkish at the web page of GD of Information Technologies of the Ministry of Interior.

Agreements are considered as a key mechanism of partnerships because their role is to govern interactions. They help partnerships become more effective by allowing partners to cope with relational, performance and situational risks that characterize inter-organisational relationships. The Partnerships Resource Centre and The Partnering Initiative have developed a “Partnering Agreement Scorecard” based on insights from practice and grounded on theory. The tool will be beneficial for any organizations that contemplate setting up a new or reviewing an existing partnership. The tool can be reachable here.

Yes, there is a template (Annex G / Annex VI) for final financial report. The document can be found  here.

Unless otherwise stated in the charter, the board of directors consists of five principal and five substitute members. It is possible to increase this minimum number specified by the statute of the association. Membership in the board of directors starts with the election and lasts until the end of the membership period.

Monitoring is a regular function to collect data systematically on specific indicators to analyze progress of an on-going project in terms of resource use, implementation and delivery of results. Monitoring focuses on inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes to measure the progress of a project.

Evaluation is an in-depth and systematic assessment of an on-going or completed project, in terms of design, implementation and results. It is performed against defined criteria such as relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability.

For more information, please check out the resources below;

In order to make a request for further pre-financing payments, the beneficiary must have spent 70% of the initial pre-financing payment. 

As stated in Article 15.3 of General Conditions, beneficiary should use the template in ‘Annex 5 - Payment Request for Grant Contract’ for payment requests. 

The beneficiary should submit soft and hard copies of following documents and information together with ‘Payment Request for Grant Contract’ letter for further pre-financing payment requests;

  • Interim narrative (including its attachments and supporting documents) and interim financial reports,
  • A forecast budget for the subsequent reporting period, 
  • An expenditure verification report (if required. If the grant more than 100,000 EUR and as stated in the Article 5.2. of Special Conditions),
  • Detailed expenditures list (breakdown of expenditures).
  • The template of Payment Request for Grant Contract for “further pre-financing payment” request can be found here
  • For receiving payment of the balance, the beneficiary should submit soft and hard copies of following documents and information together with ‘Payment Request for Grant Contract’ letter;
  • Final narrative (including its attachments and supporting documents) and financial reports. The both final narrative and financial reports should cover the whole period of project,
  • An expenditure verification report (if the grant more than 100,000 EUR or if it’s requested in Article 5.2. of Special Conditions, based on Article 15.7 of General Conditions),
  • Detailed expenditures list (detailed breakdown of expenditure), covering the whole project period,
  • Sample hard copies of all documents, publications, visibility materials, etc will have to be submitted with the Final Report,
  • Proof of transfers of Ownerships (using the template in Annex IX). The copies of proof of transfers have to be attached as well. If it’s not stated in the DoA and in case of holding the possessions of equipment by the beneficiary, the “Justification letter for approval should be prepared and submitted.The sample of Justification letter can be found here.

A Sample Payment Request for Grant Contract for” balance of payment” request can be found here.

For more information, please check out Companion.

Eligible costs are actual costs incurred by the beneficiaries which meet all the eligibility criteria at the same time and do not fall under the category of ineligible costs in the Article of 14.10 of General Conditions. The costs have to be related to and generated by activities carried out within the implementation period of the project.

To be considered eligible, costs must be actually incurred by the Beneficiaries, and must have generated a debt to be paid directly by an entity which is party to the contract with the Contracting Authority (i.e. the Coordinator or a co-Beneficiary).

The Coordinator should make sure that the conditions for the eligibility of costs are met, through accurate supervision of the co-Beneficiaries and the affiliated entities, and appropriate internal arrangements. 

It is worth reminding that costs that might have been deemed eligible at a first glance in the reports may be declared ineligible following an audit or verification carried out according to Article 16.
The Coordinator should keep in mind that it bears the ultimate responsibility (including financial) for the entire project and must reimburse to the Contracting Authority any cost declared ineligible (see Article 18 of General Conditions).

For more information, please check out Companion.

Membership registration book, document registry book, official minute book and operating ledger are amongst the essential books for associations. It’s mandatory to keep above-mentioned books/ledgers for an association. These books can be certified either by the Provincial Directorates of Civil Society Relations or can be notarized. Besides, although it’s not mandatory, an inventory book and receipt book can also be kept. 

In lieu of “off the shelf” ledgers and books, you can also utilise the ledgers and books, created by using A4 pages, but those versions can only be notarized. In terms of the legitimacy of the books/ledgers, there is no difference where they are certified. They can be certified free of charge by the Provincial Directorates of Civil Society Relations, however, the standard fees must be paid to the public notary for these procedures.

For more information on book-keeping, please check out the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Interior, DG of Civil Society Relations website (only in Turkish).

Basically, CSOs try to achieve one or more of the following through their communication works.

  • Raise awareness
  • Visibility
  • Partnership
  • Advocacy
  • Promotion
  • Dissemination

Detailed information regarding important steps of communication strategy, what and how communication tools are used and how to gauge the success of the strategy can be found in the "Sivil Düşün Guide for Communication Strategy and Tools" in Turkish.

The minute book is the ledger in which the decisions of the administration board of an association are written. Only permanent members can sign the minute book. A substitute member who attended the meeting should not sign it on behalf of permanent members. When writing decisions, headings must be indicated clearly. It’s advised to write decisions with the same pen and handwriting. A decision can last more than one page. However, signatures should be put right after each decision without leaving a space. If there is a space between the text and signatures in previous decisions, those spaces should be sealed by drawing a line. Any decisions can be written into the decision book. It doesn't matter whether it's implemented or not. 

Format of the decisions which will be entered into minute books, consists of number and date of decisions, agenda items and the participants of the board meeting. Please be noted that the minute book can also consist of certified A4 pages, instead of a printed notebook.

For more information on book-keeping, please check out the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Interior, DG of Civil Society Relations website (only in Turkish).