European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) Announces Call for Internship ApplicationsAbout the Program
Contract type Internship
Ref. FRA-TRAI-APR-2024
Application deadline 13/12/2023 13:00
Place of work Vienna, Austria
Contract duration 6 months
Basic monthly salary €1,458.43
About FRA
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) provides independent, evidence-based advice to policymakers to help ensure that fundamental rights are fully respected for all across the EU. To this end, the Agency collects and analyzes information and data on a range of fundamental rights, provides assistance and expertise to the EU Institutions and governments of EU Member States, raises awareness of rights, communicates its findings and strengthens cooperation and links between fundamental rights actors.
Internship at FRA
The internship is offered to recent university graduates (at least one month before the start of the internship) and to those who would benefit from their first work experience, not excluding those who have recently obtained a university degree or are at the beginning of a new professional career. To be eligible for an internship, you must have completed your most recent studies no more than three years before the application deadline.
What are the internship areas?
Corporate Services (CS)
- Human Resources Sector
- Digital Services and Facilities Sector
- Finance and Contracting Sector
- EU Agencies Network Coordination and Planning and Monitoring Sectors
Justice, Digital Sector and Migration (JDM)
- Justice and Security Secto
- Data and Digital Industr
- Migration and Asylum Sector
Equality, Roma and Social Rights (ERSR)
- Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Sector
- Roma Inclusion Sector
- Social Rights Sector
Communication and Events (COMMS)
- Communication Rights - Media and Event Industry
- Web, Publishing and Promotion Industry
Institutional Cooperation and Networks (INST)
- Human Rights Structures and Mechanisms Sector
- Policy Analysis and Cooperation with Stakeholders Sector
Data Protection Office (DPO)
Executive Office (DIR)
Click here for more information about the program and to apply. You can also access the website by scanning the barcode below on your mobile phone.