European Union TACSO 3 Program, (Technical Assistance Program for Civil Society Organizations-3); organizes “Social Impact Analysis Training Program” for grassroots organizations and local organizations in Turkey to increase their capacity to adapt social impact analysis as an integral part of the civil society organization practices. The training program will take place in early November 2021 and will be organized as three half-day training sessions.
The Social Impact Analysis Training Program aims to provide CSOs with guidance on social impact analysis and to provide them with practical skills to determine indicators specific to their main objectives, as well as to internalize the practice of social impact analysis in a way that will become a part of their daily operations, combined with good strategic planning. The training program will consist of interactive methods together with the presentations to be developed by the experts who will carry out the training program and aims to equip the training participants with sufficient knowledge on social impact analysis and to develop a strategic approach. The training program will also be held with the participation of guest speakers from CSOs who have developed specific mechanisms for their social impact analysis. A total of 30 CSOs from Turkey are targeted to participate in the training program. The specific objectives of the training program include:
To convey the basic theoretical framework and methodological approaches of impact analysis;
- Clearly define related concepts such as “social impact analysis”, “monitoring and evaluation”, “outputs”, “results”, “indicators” etc. ;
- To increase the capacity of CSOs to develop and implement a more focused strategic approach in their organizational structure and to monitor its effects;
- To convey the practical information and steps of social impact analysis and to clarify the difference between “monitoring and evaluation” and “social impact analysis”;
- To convey concrete examples and best practices of social impact analysis in Turkey and around the world;
- Sharing existing tools and guides for social impact analysis.
The Training Program will be organized as an online training program for CSOs in Turkey.
- Three half-day training:
- It will be held in Turkish;
- Targets local CSOs and grassroots organizations interested in developing a strategic approach and a monitoring framework for their social impact analysis;
- The training program will be held with the participation of approximately 30 CSO representatives.
- To carry out the training program efficiently for all participants, the maximum number of participants was determined as 30 CSO representatives.
CSOs wishing to participate in the training program are expected to fully participate in the three half-day training programs.
Three half-day training prepared for local organizations and grassroots organizations will be held on 3-5 November 2021 between 10:00 and 14:00 every day. The deadline for applications is October 26, 2021, at 17:00. Application form
CSOs who want to apply to the training programs should fill out the application forms presented in the links above and apply through the system. It will be considered appropriate for CSOs wishing to apply to the training program with a representative.
The CSOs that will participate in the training will be selected by the EU TACSO 3 Project according to the following criteria:
- Regional distribution;
- Thematic area distribution;
- Gender equality;
- CSOs expressing their interest in adopting social impact analysis as an integral part of their general practices;
- Grassroots organizations and local civil society organizations will be given priority.
Certificates of participation will be shared with CSOs who have completed the training programs after the training.
The training will be carried out in Turkish by experienced independent experts.
After the completion of the Social Impact Analysis Training Program, downloadable guides covering the training contents will be prepared and the guides will be made available to all civil society organizations.
European Union TACSO 3 is a technical support project focusing on the strengthening of participatory democracies and harmonization processes with the EU in the Western Balkans and Turkey. In this sense, EU TACSO 3 aims to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations to take an active role in democratic processes and to promote a conducive environment for the development of civil society and pluralistic media.