The training programme aims to provide hands-on knowledge to the regional networks on how to practice the principle of good governance, integrate quality standards in their functioning and increase their transparency and accountability towards constituencies, institutions and donors. Specific training objectives are to:
- Introduce regional networks to principles of good governance and existing quality standards for civil society with a focus on the Global Standard for CSO Accountability;
- Strengthen capacities of representatives of governance and executive structures of the regional networks to mainstream quality standards in the networks’ policies and operations;
- Contribute to increased transparency and accountability of regional networks by providing knowledge, tools and methodologies in the application of quality standards.
The training consists of:
Two-day advanced training that will take place on 26 – 27 May 2021 with a focus on:
- Presenting the existing quality standards that are actively applied in the region and on the international level;
- Presenting specific knowledge on the Global Standard for CSO Accountability;
- Building competencies for mainstreaming the principles of good governance,
- transparency and accountability in the work of regional networks by the provision of methods and tools to the representatives of the governing and executive structure;
- Provision of knowledge and skills on how to develop and integrate minimum quality standards within the CSOs, members of regional networks.
Exchange (P2P) event that will be organized on 28 May 2021 dedicated to:
- Presenting best practices of networks in introducing principles of good governance, transparency and accountability with a focus on existing mechanisms, internal documents, policies and procedures;
- Offering examples of regional networks in raising quality standards focusing on the process, steps, challenges, effects on sustainability, including networks from WBT region and EU/globally.
This training will be implemented within the EU TACSO 3 Capacity Development and P2P Programme and delivered by experienced trainers and guests. The training and exchange (P2P) event will be delivered on-line in English. Each regional CSO Network and regional EU-funded project can choose to attend one (training, exchange (P2P) or both events.
Elizabeta Markovska Spasenoska, EU TACSO 3 Country Coordinator for North Macedonia and an experienced consultant for CSOs and CSO networks in institutional development and organizational strengthening will deliver the two-day training. The key speakers on the 3rd day exchange (P2P) event will include Anabel Cruz, Co-coordinator of the Regional Initiative “Rendir Cuentas” from South America and former Chairperson of the Civicus Board, and Ilina Nesik, Interim Executive Director at “Accountable Now” from Berlin, Germany, who will both share their experience and best practices in transparency and accountability of CSO networks in Europe and globally. Several representatives of regional networks from the Western Balkans and Turkey will also share their experience.
Interested regional CSO networks and regional EU-funded projects that encourage networking should apply by filling-in and submitting the Application form by Wednesday, 19 May 2021, 17:00 hrs CET. Interested applicants can apply for both the regional training and exchange (P2P) event or for either of them.
In order to ensure effective training with in-depth approach and practical exercises, the number of selected CSO networks and regional EU- funded projects for the regional training will be limited (up to approximately 15 networks/projects). Each CSO network or EU-funded project can assign up to two representatives to attend the regional training, one of them representing the governing structure and the other representing higher executive levels.
The selection will be made by EU TACSO 3 based on the following criteria:
- Regional CSO network (formal or informal) or regional EU-funded project demonstrate motivation to increase the knowledge and skills in quality management, transparency and accountability;
- Regional CSO Network or regional EU-funded project clearly demonstrates the need and readiness to improve the transparency and accountability and/or to introduce quality standard;
- Assigned representatives come from the governing structure (such as presidents and members of the assembly, governing board, supervisory board) and higher executive levels (such as executive director, head of finance and administration, head of programmes).
The exchange (P2P) event will include up to 40 representatives of regional CSO networks and regional EU-funded projects.
Technical Assistance to Civil Society Organizations in Western Balkans and Turkey (EU TACSO 3) is an EU-funded project in the Western Balkans and Turkey (www.tacso.eu). EU TACSO 3 aim is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) to actively take part in the democratic processes and to stimulate an enabling environment for civil society and pluralistic media development.