Who can participate in the program?
Those who want to work in the field of Roma human rights;
At least high school diploma, between 20 and 35 years old, can handle a computer,
It is intended for the participation of young leaders and Roma activists who can easily learn new information and use it in civil society activities.
Participation is on a voluntary basis and participants are expected to attend the entire program.
How is the program organized?
Participants can join the program from anywhere in Turkey, as long as they have an internet connection.
The capacity building trainings are held online.
Meetings scheduled as part of the advocacy work will be held in person in Istanbul and Ankara.
Do I have to pay a fee to participate?
Participants do not have to pay any fees to benefit from this program. In addition, participants are not paid to participate in the program. However, in some cases, which will be discussed in advance with the Romani Godi team, some related expenses such as meetings, travel, accomodation and meals may be covered.
Duration of the program
The total duration of the program, which is scheduled to begin in April, is 12 weeks. Training sessions will be held once a week for approximately 4 hours.
Content of the Romani Godi - Esma Redzepova Academy
- Roma history, language and culture,
- Advocacy, campaigns and activism,
- Volunteer work,
- Leadership (bringing together complex knowledge and power to achieve a common goal, leadership),
- Social equality,
- The special needs of Roma people,
- Rights-based work in Roma neighborhoods and monitoring Roma rights,
- Combating anti-Roma hate speech and developing correct discourse, democratic organization,
- What is necessary for democratic and participatory civil society work?
- Project management, financial literacy, digital literacy
- Exemplary studies on Roma civil society in the world, Europe and Turkey.